How we helped a Physiotherapist Grow their Business in a few Months

Previously our client had been mostly using their Facebook Business page to promote their business.

As we pointed out, they didn't have a strategy for aquiring Facebook friends that would need their services and so they were promoting their services to the same people over and over with little results.

We had already started to do some filming with them, focusing on specific injuries that they treated time and again - back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain etc

Phone Lines Down!

Then, in a panic their phone lines went down. Their business unit had been confused with a private residence and they had been disconected. 

This had happened to them before and so they knew it wouldn't be a quick fix.

And so they contacted us and asked how we could help to drive up online bookings.

So we set up some video ads on Facebook targetting specific injuries to specific people within their catchement area.

We started with Back Pain which was their number one treatment and also Home Visits which no other Physio was doing locally.

Bookings Up!

In a matter of days their bookings went up.

We A/B tested the ads to improve them further and also added knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain ads - all using carefully crafted videos.

Every Ad was based on a short punchy video where the Physio / Sports Rehabilitator demonstrated the exercise to the client and they repeated it.

We then re-did the Ads to include additional services related to that injury such as strapping and massage.

7 months in and we are now adding Accupuncture treatments into the mix following some more filming sessions.

Yes it cost them some money for the filming and editing. Yes they had to pay us for managing the Ad campaigns and yes they had to spend money on Advertising credit but becauase the ads are Pay Per Click and very targeted and specific, a high percentage of clicks were turned into bookings.

Most Facebook ads in the health industry cost around 70p click. We were and still are getting it down to 14-16 pence per click!

This means they were getting a lot more clicks for their budget and so the campaigns were (and still are) very cost effective.

Video is poweful when it tells a story and that's what our Ads did.

The call to action was on the screen all the way through the advert and so, whether they watched 5 seconds or 30 seconds, they knew what the next step was.

Landing Pages

Additionally we drove the clicks through to landing pages on their website specific to that injury / treatment type and so once they clicked through the booking process was clear and straight forward with nothing to confuse the process. This further helped to increase the bookings.

As I type we continue month on month to refine the ads and to add new Ads as we build up a library of video clips covering the services they offer.

It's been a gradual process. They didn't jump in with both feet but even after a few weeks they could see this was a form of marketing that was working really well for them and the return on investment made it well worth the initial costs.

Let us Tell Your Story

So how can we tell your story and reach your preferred customers with Video Ads?

Get in touch for a no obligation meeting to discuss your requirements.

We'd love to hear from you.